Promotional Testing
To evaluate the ability of an advertisement to modify in depth the people's attitude toward a particular product, concept, or brand.
The approach we propose is essentially a qualitative one, the aim being to:
- determine the ability of the Advertisement to modify in depth the attitude of people (young versus old, female versus male, etc.) toward the particular product or brand.
- describe the nature and the amplitude of the changes and evaluate how they match the advertiser's objective(s)
- understand the reasons for the changes in the people's attitudes and identify the positive and negative outcomes of the Advertisement, as well as the dangerous areas where further development should be avoided.
This is achieved by evaluating the level and nature of the involvement of the human psyche in the Advertisement.
Our test distinguishes various levels of involvement, from "deep" to "light" :
- "Pain, Happiness, Sensuality, etc"
- "Feelings, Emotions, Imagination, Dream, etc."
- "Opinions, Reasoning, Logic, etc."
- "Environmental Things, etc."
and the reactions of respondents are mapped accordingly.
In addition, and for each level of involvement, the respondents' reactions will be marked depending on how they match with the objective(s) of the Advertisement:
- (-) In opposition to the objectives
- (=) Neutral
- (+) Matches the objectives
- (?) Inconclusive
An important feature of the procedure is to catch at first the deepest reactions of respondents as our research primarily focus on revealing the efficiency of the Advertisement.
In order to do so, and after screening the Advertisements - eventually
inserted in a row of other Advertisements and/or in a TV program -, the
respondents are asked to react individually and to write down in detail
their answers to a set of questions such as:
1. Please continue this story
2. What sort of memories does this Advertisement generate? Why?
3. What part of the human body does this Advertisement make you think about?
How? Why?
4. As a result of this Advertisement, how has your opinion of the
product-family / product, etc., changed? Why?
5. As a result of this Advertisement, how has your opinion of the brand, etc.,
changed? Why?
6. What will you like to change in this Advertisement? Why? - To add? Why? -
To delete? Why?
(the procedure is further completed, in concordance with the advertiser's objectives).
Respondents are scrutinized according to the client's requirements; and each respondent also has to fulfill a detailed questionnaire aiming at identifying the respondent's exact profile and habits.
All the data collected is transfered into our computer. This data is published and made available to our client. (The computerized data is also kept for potential future new treatments).
We then analyze the data with the aim of explaining all what has been said, and of revealing what is common to all respondents versus what is specific to the respondents' category (users versus non-users, young people versus older people, etc.), or to an individual.
A complete document summarizing the findings and describing their ramifications is provided to our client. We issue actionable recommendations on positioning and communication.
The results are qualitatively commented and are graphically represented in terms of each Advertisement EFFICIENCY and impact:
EFFICIENCY (-) <------------ ZERO ------------> EFFICIENCY (+)
Note: until we have a mutually agreed and honored contract with our client or prospect on the concerned topic, our Documents, Research Proposals and the relevant Research Procedures are the sole property of Bouée Research Institute & L207. They cannot be used, directly or indirectly, partly or as a whole, without the prior written consent of an authorized person from Bouée Research Institute or L207.